Optical punching
Plate punches with optical positioning
Optical plate punches make sense when the printing is on particularly valuable materials and can thus significantly reduce waste costs, when the press run time needs to be extended, when the CTP does not have an inline punch or when many different punching configurations can be combined.
- Less waste due to faster register accuracy
- Reliable repeatability of register punching
- Operator-independent result
- Convenient plate handling thanks to ergonomic working height
- Space-saving through combination of different formats
- Easy to maintain
Hardware / Features
- Multi-format register punch
- Optical positioning of the printing plates
- Various materials can be processed (aluminium, rubber, polymers, steel etc.)
- Punching tools made of hardened tool steel
- Automatic lubrication of the punching tools
- No Windows PCs installed for control, no software updates necessary
- Remote maintenance possible
- Use of brand components, Siemens, Festo, Keyence, Turck etc.
- Low consumption costs
- Simple operation
- High quality design
- Conversions and extensions possible